How To Fix Valorant Low Client FPS Error

VALORANT low client FPS error has been causing a lot of problems for players. Players reported that the game client has some frame drop issues. Even people with high-end gaming rigs are getting this error. Players are basically warned to check the system power, which may not be sufficient.

Don’t worry in this article you will find all the possible fixes that you can apply to mitigate this issue and overcome low client FPS errors. you just need to read this article and apply the fix that best suits you by following the instructions.

How To Fix Valorant Low Client FPS Error?

You don’t have to try them all, just work your way down the list until you find the one that does the trick.

Fix 1. Disable fullscreen optimization

The foremost and quick fix you can apply to fix is to disable fullscreen optimization. Although Fullscreen mode optimizes your gameplay. Many players reported that applying this fix can help to mitigate the Valorant low client FPS issue.

  • Right-click the game’s VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe file, you can usually find this in C drive: RiotValorant
  • Choosing Properties, then Compatibility.
  • Then disable full-screen optimization
  • To switch between fullscreen and windowed modes, press F11 while in the game

Another method is to switch to windowed mode in, press apply, and then revert back to FULLSCREEN

Fix 2. Check Valorant Software Compatability issues

It has been observed that the biggest cause of this error message is the Radeon software, which is interfering mid-game. A lot of users have reported that disabling the Radeon instant replay feature actually helps to fix the problem.

Here’s how you can apply this fix:

If you still get the low client fps problem during a Valorant game, I suggest you also disable the Steam overlay, Xbox game bar, discord overlay, and over wolf if any of these are enabled.

Fix 3. Update your Graphics driver

Most of the time Valorant has low client FPS error on those PC that has outdated or corrupted graphics drivers. To improve gaming performance and fix the stuttering while playing the game you need to update the device driver.

There are two methods to update your system’s cards i.e. Manual and Automatic.

In the manual method, you need to visit the concerned site and search for the latest compatible drivers and download them on your PC. If you don’t have relevant skills then there are chances that you might install the wrong drivers.

So we suggest you adopt an automatic method in which you need to download Driver Easy on your PC. This tool will automatically scan your PC for outdated graphics drivers and update it instantly.

Fix 4. Enable VGC service

Players reported that enabling VGC service can help to sort out their issues.

Fix 5. Optimize NVIDIA Geforce Experience

If you are unable to recognize Valorant when opening the NVIDIA Geforce experience, try searching Valorant Geforce driver and downloading it.

Then press on the optimize Valorant option in the NVIDIA Geforce experience app. The low client FPS error should be fixed.

Fix 6. Move Valorant Installation folder to an SSD

If you installed valorant on the hard drive, try moving to the SSD to enhance game performance. Below are the steps to apply this fix:

Fix 7. Close Unnecessary Apps

Unwanted apps running in the background eat up your system resources causing FPS drops. You need to stop all the unwanted apps from running in the background and try playing the game.

Here’s how you can close Overlay Apps:

If you are using the MSI Afterburner tool to overclock your PC, uninstall it. It might be causing overheating on your PC.

Fix 8. Modify in-game settings:

If all the above fixes go in vain then try lowering your in-game graphics settings.

You just need to:

This fix will help to boost your FPS and make your game better

How To Fix Valorant Low Client FPS Error Video Guide

Video Tutorial On How To Fix Low Client FPS error in Valorant on Windows 10/8/7