All Tower of Fantasy Password Chest Location and How to Open

Explaining the drop locations, types and method to loot.

In the game called Tower of Fantasy, players want to find special chests called password chests. These chests, like type 3 chests, have cool stuff inside and are hidden in different places.

People are always trying to figure out where these Tower of Fantasy password chests are and when they appear again. There are different kinds of chests, like gold and purple ones, and each has something special. It’s like a fun challenge to explore the game, find these chests, and see what’s inside.

Let’s explore together and discover the secrets of Tower of Fantasy’s password chests for an exciting gaming journey!

What is a Password Chest?

Password Chests are triangular containers that contain several supplies within. In Aesperia, Password Chests stand as containers awaiting discovery. Unlike Supply Pods, these chests don’t contribute to World Exploration progress.

They differ in that they lack set spawn limits and regularly reappear, resembling the respawn pattern of Rusted Iron Chests.

Types of Password Chests Tower of Fantasy

In the realm of Password Chests, there are three distinct types: Password Chest I, Password Chest II, and Password Chest III. Higher-tier chests, such as Password Chest II and Password Chest III, promise superior rewards.

Types of Password Chests Tower of Fantasy

However, the quality of these rewards is still contingent upon the deciphering methods applied.

TOF Password Chest Location – Where to Find

Password Chests spawn at a lot of different locations throughout the world of Aida. The locations are the same at which they spawn. So, you can get to the locations near your player go to the Password Chest, and open them to get their loot.

You can go and again open the password Chest when they respawn to get the loot and EXP again.

Here are all the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Password and World Boss Chests locations throughout the map of Tower of Fantasy.

Password Chest Drop Location - Where to Find

How to Open Password Chests in Tower of Fantasy

The Password Chests happened to respawn in the world of Aida in different areas. There are two methods to open the chest. You will see the tier of the chest by going close to the Password Chest i.e. Tier 1,2,3.

How to Open Password Chests in Tower of Fantasy

There is a deciphering mechanism in the Tower of Fantasy to unlock the Password Chests. There are two methods for decrypting the chest.

Perfect Decipher

Perfect Decipher requires a respective type of chip to open the Password chest perfectly. These chips can be found by doing Bounty Missions and Weekly Activity Missions. Once, you have the respective chip for the Password Chest you can easily open the chest by using the Perfect Decipher.

Using Perfect Decipher to unlock a Password chest gives you more EXP and better quality loot from the chest.

Forced Decipher

If you choose the Forced Decipher to open the Password Chest, you will open the chest by force. You can use the Forced Decipher to open the password chest but it will give you less EXP and common loot concerning Perfect Decipher.

NOTE: If you don’t have the respective chip you can use the Forced Decipher to unlock the Password chest. Otherwise, you should use the Perfect Decipher in order to get more EXP and loot.

Password Chest Loot When Opened With Perfect Decipher

Type I

Type II

Type III Chip

Type III (Key)

Password Chest Loot When Opened With Forced Decipher

Type I

Type II

Type III (Chip)