Just invited Steam Friends to join local co-op sessions remotely but encountered Steam remote play not working issue. Reports are coming that when trying to play Steam remote play together, either this feature doesn’t work at all or mouse or keyboard input fails to affect the game.
Usually, the remote play won’t work issues revolve around network connectivity, outdated steam version, or misconfigured IP and IPV6 settings. You can fix the issue by restarting your system and network device or forcing an IP address change.
In case, the problem persists and the Steam remote play not working issue remains there. Then don’t worry we have worked hard to find the best fixes to resolve this issue.
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Fixed Steam Remote Play Not Working and Not Connecting With Controller
You can apply these fixes if you are dealing with problems with the play host, Mouse, or Keyboard input temporarily disabled, or controllers problem with games.
All Steam games can be played streaming between your own computers. In case you are playing Lego Star Wars, Cuphead, Overcooked, Crawl, Enter the Gungeon, or Battleblock Theater and the steam remote is not working then make sure that game is supported or not.
Open the Steam client and select the Store tab.
Search your Desired game in the search bar.
Once the game store page is open, scroll down to see if the game supports Remote Play or not
Once you are sure that the game supports remote play in steam and it’s not working then perform the below troubleshooting steps.
Fix 2. Disable/Enable Remote Play in the Steam Settings
Launch the Steam client on the host system and open its Menu.
Now open Settings and then in the left pane of the window, click on Remote Play.
Then uncheck the option of Enable Remote Play.
Now repeat the same process to disable Remote Play on the guest system and then restart your systems.
Upon restart, enable remote play on the guest system and then on the host system
Now, check if the Steam Remote Play is working fine.
Fix 3. Update Your Steam Client and Games
Make sure your steam client is updated before using the remote play feature. Usually, it gets updated, automatically. But you can always update it manually by selecting the steam tab and clicking check for steam client updates.
After updating the steam client, you should make sure that your game is updated too. New updates fix bugs that ultimately boost game performance.
Fix 4. Disable Hardware Encoding in the Steam Settings
Sometimes hardware encoding hinders the remote play from functioning properly. So you and your friends need to disable it from the steam client.
Here’s how you can disable it:
Open your Steam client. Click Steam and select Settings.
In the left pane of the window, select Remote Play. Then click ADVANCED CLIENT OPTIONS.
Uncheck the option Enable hardware decoding and then click OK.
Now try reconnecting your device to check if the issue persists.
Fix 5. Update your Device Drivers
Most of the time, Steam remote play not working or not connecting with a controller issue arises on those PC that has outdated or corrupted graphics drivers. To improve gaming performance and fix the offline crashing on startup or while joining the game you need to update the graphics card driver.
There are two methods to update your system’s cards i.e. Manual and Automatic.
In the manual method, you need to visit the concerned site and search for the latest compatible drivers and download them on your PC. If you don’t have relevant skills then there are chances that you might install the wrong drivers.
So we suggest you adopt an automatic method in which you need to download Driver Easy on your PC. This tool will automatically scan your PC for outdated graphics drivers and update it instantly
Fix 6. Disable IPv6 of the Network Connection
Most users have IPv4 and IPv6 running and allow traffic on both types of network addresses. Although some applications may not adapt to IPv6. This ultimately affects the connection issue and will not allow steaming remote play from connecting and working properly. So you need to disable it.
On the bottom right-hand side of your screen, right-click on the network icon or WiFi icon. Then select Open Network & Internet settings.
In the Change your network settings section, click Change adapter options.
Right-click on your active network adapter, whether it’s Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Then select Properties.
In the Properties window, scroll down until you see Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP /IPv6). Uncheck the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) checkbox and click on OK to save the changes.
Now restart your computer and look if the issue mitigates.
Fix 7. Force IP Address Change
Right-click on the Start button and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
Copy and paste the following command line and press Enter.
ipconfig /release
Copy and paste the following command line and press Enter.
ipconfig /renew
Now you can see your IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.
now check if the remote play is working. If it is not then on the guest computer perform these steps:
Press the Windows + R key to open the Run dialogue.
In the Run, dialogue type in steam://open/console and then click OK
Then, in the Steam console, type in connect_remote [Host’s IP address]:27036, and press Enter.
After performing these steps we are sure that your steam remote play will start working. If not then proceed to our next fix.
Fix 8. Stop Using Steam Beta Client
Steam remote play error may also occur if you are a participant in the Steam beta program. A beta program is used to test the application before available the application for the general public. If you are using a stable version, switching to a beta version may solve it.
Launch the Steam client on the host system and open its Menu.
Now open Settings and then in the left pane of the window, select Account.
Then click on Change under the Beta Participation Option.
Change the Beta option to Opt-Out of Beta (if you are participating in the Beta); otherwise, select the Beta Steam Updates.
Now click on Restart Steam. Repeat the same process for the guest.
After joining (or leaving) the Beta, check if Steam Remote Play is working fine.
Fix 9. Use a Static IP address
When a device is assigned a static IP address then the address does not change. So if you can’t use the steam Remote play feature, using a static IP address might be working.
Follow the below procedure to set the static IP address:
On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run box.
Type ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
Right-click on your active network adapter, whether it’s Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Then select Properties.
In the Properties window for the adapter, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click the Properties.
Select the Use the following IP address option. Then type in the IP address, Subnet mask, and Default Gateway corresponding to your network setup.
Fix 10. Verify the integrity of game files
Sometimes the corrupted and missing game files can cause the steam remote play not to work. So you must be sure that the computer has the most recent version of the game and functioning properly.
Right-click the title in your Steam library.
Select “Properties”.
Select “Local Files.”
Tap “Verify Integrity of game files.
Fix 11. Reinstall the steam client
If the issue still persists, then it might occur that the remote play issue is a result of the corrupt installation of the steam client itself. So you need to reinstall the steam client to overcome this issue.