How To Fix Roblox Error Code 429 “Authentication Failed”

A 429 error code on Roblox means your request rate is too high for the server to accept at the moment.

When trying to play the Roblox you are getting an error message” an error was encountered during authentication please try again error code 429.” When this error appears you cant access Roblox.

According to multiple forums, the Roblox error code 429 authentication failure can occur due to various reasons. Some of these reasons include submitting too many requests from your device to Roblox, issues with the Roblox app, using Third-Party extensions, DNS issues, or being flagged by the Roblox server because of your IP address.

If you are in the same boat, then this article is for you as we are going to fix Roblox error 429.

How To Fix Roblox Error Code 429?

Before we delve into the most effective troubleshooting methods for Roblox error code 429, there are a few things that we recommend doing.

  • Firstly, ensure that any pending restart on your PC is completed.
  • Secondly, make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • If you’re playing Roblox through a browser, ensure that your browser is up to date.

It’s also worth noting that sometimes, this issue may resolve itself without any action required, so wait a little while to see if this is the case.

Only follow the methods that are relevant to your situation. Here are some of the best methods to troubleshoot and solve Roblox error code 429.

1. Repair Roblox

The first and foremost step is to repair the Roblox by:

Open the Start Menu > Search For Roblox > Right-click on it and go to App Settings > Click on Repair > Now Relaunch the game

2. Change DNS

You can fix this issue by changing the DNS. Here’s how you can apply this fix:

3. Disable browser extensions

Disabling the browser extension might help you to resolve Roblox Error code 429. Here’s how you can apply this fix:

4. Clear cache and cookies

Many players reported that clearing cache and cookies helped them to resolve Roblox Error Code 429. You can also try this fix by:

5. Repair Corrupted system files

Sometimes corrupted and missing game files cause Roblox error code 429. You need to repair the corrupted system files to get rid of error code 429.

6. Reset Roblox

If all the above methods do not work for you then you need to reset the Roblox to get rid of error code 429.

Go to Roblox’s app settings > Click on Reset > Now Relaunch Roblox

7. Use a different browser

The current browser may have a problem running the game. You can try Download & Use Avast Secure Browser.