Little Alchemy 2 like real alchemy is a process of transformation, creation, and combination to explore the universe. Philosophical meanings and mythologies hold an important part of alchemy. Considering this, Evil is one of the elements which you can discover in the game. If you are wondering how then I will get all your answers to you.
Evil is one of the four basic elements in the Myths and Monsters pack in Little Alchemy 2. You can discover it by purchasing the content pack else you cannot make or create it from scratch without purchasing the myths and monsters pack.
You can only get Evil by Purchasing the Myths and Monsters pack.
Since these elements can be created by numerous combinations, Evil can be created through one such combination if you have myths and monsters packed.
How to Get Evil in Little Alchemy 2 (Step-By-Step Guide)
As per official Little Alchemy 2 cheats and hints you cannot make Evil without buying myths and monsters pack. So first of all we will guide you through the steps you must follow to buy the myths and monsters pack. After, that you can try another combination for fun as well.
Meanwhile, you can also learn about Good and Immortality which are also basic elements from Myth and Monsters pack
Step-by-Step Guide to Purchase Myths and Monsters Pack in Little Alchemy 2
Below are the steps you can undergo to buy the Myths and Monsters pack in order to add Evil to your game.
1. Use the Compatible Device
You can purchase Evil through the Myths and Monsters content pack however this feature is only available on Android and iOS devices. Yes, you can only get purchase this content pack using your mobile devices.
If you’re currently playing the game on a web browser, you must download the Little Alchemy 2 app to compatible devices through Google play or the Apple app store. However, if you switch to a compatible device you must start from scratch which means you will lose your progress and you must start from the beginning.