In little Alchemy 2, you can make more than 700 items using the four basic elements. While exploring the game you might want to make the cloud as it is one of the precious creations and come on who does not love the clouds?
The Cloud element can be helpful in making Acid, Rain, Cotton Candy, Fog, Hail, and other amazing elements that are useful in the game. Each element that players make in this game can be used to make many other items.
Making a cloud is an interesting method, the combinations you can make a cloud with would amaze you and would clearly make sense to you.
Atmosphere + Water
Atmosphere + Mist
Water + Sky
Sky + Mist
In this Little Alchemy 2 hints and cheats, we will tell you the easy way to make a cloud.
How to Make Cloud in Little Alchemy 2 (Step-By-Step)
There are four methods to acquire cloud in the game that ranges from short and simple to long and complicated ones. But who cares when you enjoy discovering the element?
Best Method To Make Cloud in Little Alchemy 2
It is the shortest route to make clouds. Follow the steps in order to produce atmosphere and then combine it with water to make a cloud.
Earth + Earth = Land
Land + Land = Continent
Continent + Continent = Planet
Planet + Air = Atmosphere
Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
Method 1. Make Cloud in Little Alchemy 2 Using Atmosphere + Mist
Follow the steps below to make clouds in little alchemy 2 by combining atmosphere and mist.
Earth + Earth = Land
Land + Land = Continent
Continent + Continent = Planet
Planet + Air = Atmosphere
Air + Water = Mist
Mist + Atmosphere = Cloud
Method 2. Make Cloud in Little Alchemy 2 Using Water + Sky
Although it is a long route, interestingly you can make clouds by combining water and sky as well as everyone knows the sky is the home for clouds. Don’t worry about the creation of the sky, here is how you can do this.
Earth + Earth = Land
Earth + Land = Continent
Continent + Continent = Planet
Planet + Fire = Sun
Air + Air = Pressure
Pressure + Earth = Stone
Planet + Stone = Moon
Sun + Moon = Sky
Sky + Water = Cloud
Method 3. Make Cloud in Little Alchemy 2 Using Sky + Mist
The last but amazing way through which you can make a cloud is by combining sky and mist.
Earth + Earth = Land
Earth + Land = Continent
Continent + Continent = Planet
Planet + Fire = Sun
Air + Air = Pressure
Pressure + Earth = Stone
Planet + Stone = Moon
Sun + Moon = Sky
Air + Water = Mist
Mist + Sky = Cloud
How to Use Cloud in Little Alchemy 2
It’s not the end of the game, you can use the cloud as well to make some more amazing items and keep discovering the world through little Alchemy 2.