The cow is one of the most common domesticated animals raised as livestock, hence you can use it to make a wide range of items in the game. Not just this if you are an animal lover, you would love to have it in the world you create in Little Alchemy 2.
Little Alchemy 2 has four simple yet interesting recipes to make a cow.
In little Alchemy 2, you try different combinations rising from the combinations of four basic elements to obtain some new items. Making cow in little alchemy 2 also has four possible combinations which I have tested and verified. Some are short and others are comparatively long.
If you are a beginner you might find it complicated but with our step-by-step guide to making a Cow in Little Alchemy 2, you will easily do this and also enjoy it. For your ease, we have mentioned the shortest and easiest recipe first.
Just walk through the recipes and get what you want!
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Cow in Little Alchemy 2 (Using Livestock + Field)
In little alchemy 2, you can make items from different combinations but none of them is absurd. Being an interesting educational game as well, little alchemy 2 uses very logical combinations.
Since the cow is a widely used livestock animal used in the field as a source of food as well as used to manage the ecosystem of the field. It is widely used in agriculture and farming e.g. cow plows the field. Using this very real knowledge you can make a cow in Little Alchemy 2. All you have to do is to first obtain livestock and field and then combine them together to get a cow.
Don’t worry about how to do this as we have mentioned the recipe to make cow in little alchemy 2 from scratch. If you are a beginner, you don’t need to worry, simply follow the steps in order.
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Cow in Little Alchemy 2 (Using Livestock + Barn)
Barn is a place where you keep your livestock animals. Cow being the livestock animal is usually kept in a barn, or you can say the barn is its home. Hence, all you need to do is to mix barn and livestock in little alchemy 2 and produce cows.
Water + Water = Puddle
Puddle + Water = Pond
Pond + Water = Lake
Lake + Water = Sea
Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
Fire + Fire = Energy
Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
Earth + Earth = Land
Land + Life = Animal
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Lava = Stone
Stone + Stone = Wall
Wall + Wall = House
Fire + Stone = Metal
Earth + Metal = Plow
Earth + Plow = Field
Field + House = Barn
Animal + Barn = Livestock
Barn + Livestock = Cow
Little Alchemy 2 has myths and monsters pack, in which you can have immortality. Check out how you can have it.
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Cow in Little Alchemy 2 (Using Livestock + Grass)
Do you know cow feeds on grass and not only this livestock animal also tramples the grass which is very helpful for land? That is how to combination of grass and livestock to obtain a cow becomes a very meaningful and knowledgeable combination and this is exactly what makes little alchemy interesting, fun, and educational.
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Cow in Little Alchemy 2 (Using Livestock + Farmer)
Livestock animals like cows are taken care of by farmers, and farmers use them to plow the field as well. Cows and farmers have a deep relationship that ranges from work to bonding of love as well. In Little Alchemy 2, you can make cows by combining these two elements, and below is the guide for how to make cows by combining livestock and farmer.
Cows are widely used to harvest milk and meat and leather. In little alchemy 2, you can use cows not just to produce items of food or clothing but also animals that are similar to cows as well as mythical creatures. Discovery of cow unleashes the versatile elements you can make through this in little alchemy 2.
Cow + Butcher = Meat
Cow + Axe = Meat
Cow + Sword = Meat
Cow + Tool = Meat
Cow + BBQ = Steak
Cow + Fire = Steak
Cow + Blade = Leather
Cow + Sword = Leather
Cow + Tool = Leather
Cow + Car = Tractor
Cow + Cart = Wagon
Cow + Container = Barn
Cow + Desert = Camel
Cow + Dune = Camel
Cow + Sand = Camel
Cow + Farmer = Milk
Cow + Tool = Milk
Cow + Liquid = Milk
Cow + Water = Milk
Cow + Fish = Manatee
Cow + Giant = Babe The Blue Ox
Cow + Hill = Goat
Cow + House = Barn
Cow + Human = Minotaur
Cow + Story = Minotaur
Cow + Werewolf = Minotaur
Cow + Legend = Minotaur
Cow + Lake = Manatee
Cow + Sea = Manatee
Cow + Ocean = Manatee
Cow + River = Manatee
Cow + River = Hippo
Cow + Water = Hippo
Cow + Mountain = Goat
Cow + Mountain Range = Goat
Cow + Mud = Pig
Cow + Paper = Origami
Cow + Paul Bunyan = Babe The Blue Ox
Cow + Rope = Lasso
Cow + Wagon = Tractor
Do you know you can also have Time as an element in Little Alchemy 2?