Bronze Bat Soup is a healing recipe in One Piece Odessy. You can use the healing item during combat. You can also use Bronze Bat Soup healing to heal your teammates. Bronze Bat Soup will give 1000+ HP heal to all of your teammates.
Bronze Bat Soup also increases the DEF by 10% and Guts by 10% which you can use three times. This healing recipe can help you a lot during the long battle and the boss enemies.
In this guide, we will discuss how to get Bronze Bat Soup in One Piece Odyssey.
How to Get Bronze Bat Soup in One Piece Odyssey
While defeating the Fire Colossus you will encounter a Mysterious Man named Adio. who will help you win the battle. After the Battle is finished follow Adio and he will take towards his home. At first, Adio will introduce you to his house and ask you to stay for the time being.
When you enter Adio’s home a cutscene will start where you will see multiple food items.
After the cutscene, you will see a stair that will lead you upward. Use the stairs to climb up and you will see a chest there. Open the chest by interacting. You will get the Bronze Bat Soup.