Alfornado is a place in South Province (Area Six) in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet where lied the Psychic Gym. Trainers need to go there to complete the Gym Challenge. It’s a rocky terrain where you need to claim up the mountain.
Climb and flying ability is unlocked quite later in the game still there is a way to early get to Alfornada gym without climbing ability.
In this guide, we have explained two methods to get to the Alfornada Gym with and without climbing ability in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How to Unlock Alfornada Gym in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Alfornado Gym must be unlocked before completing the challenge. You need to access the place which you can be done in two ways.
How to get to Alfornada using Flying Ability
How to get to Alfornada Early Access without Climbing Ability
1. How to get to Alfornada Gym by using Flying Ability
You need to unlock the path for which you need to defeat the Bombirdier Titan. You will find Bombirdier Titan in South Province (Area One). After Defeating the Titan you will get the Swim ability. This will unlock the cave Path for you to reach the South Province (Area Six).
Go in front of the cave and use the flying ability to go down the path.
At the right side of the cave, you will see a deep down path. Jump and use the flying ability to reach down.
Go straight path until you reach the Small Cliff. Get past the cliff and make sure you don’t fall from it.
Follow the curvy path to reach the Alfornado Cavern where you need to follow the path.
Inside the cave, you will see multiple Pokemon. No need to interact with any of the Pokémon.
If you interact with the Pokémon it will take time to defeat them.
NOTE: Sometimes you will face higher level Pokémon and if you get defeated you will have to restart the procedure.
Follow the path and meet the Orange NPC and turn right.
Follow the path until you reach the Light and then turn left.
Get outside of the cave. You will reach the Gym Area
2. [Second Method] How to Get to Alfornada Without Climbing
You can get early access to the Alfornado Gym without climbing ability. Go to the West province (Area One) by using Fast travel to the watch tower. This watch tower is outside the Alfornado Cavern.
At this stage, you will not have the climbing Ability but there is a trick to get to Alfornada gym. When you enter the cave you will see a ledge to the left where you can’t climb.
How to get to Alfornado Gym without Climbing Ability
What you need to do is to walk around that area and wait until you see a Pokemon on the ledge.
When you see a Pokemon Spawn on the Ledge use the poke ball to start the battle.
This will begin the battle and you will spawn on the ledge.
If the Pokémon will be of a lower level you can skip the battle. If the Pokemon has a higher level you need to defeat the Pokemon to move forward. Moving forward you will face higher places but their altitude will be low.