Fix: Rainbow Six Extraction low FPS and Stuttering Issues

Ubisoft has released a new title named Rainbow Six Extraction, a multiplayer tactical shooter game that provides a full-of-action gameplay experience.

Since its release players are dealing with Rainbow Six Extraction low FPS issue while playing it on Windows, PS4, Xbox Series, and PS5. Many users report that FPS drops while moving the mouse. Even after optimizing shaders and having a good PC stuttering and low FPS issues are common.

If you are also encountered such Rainbow Six Extraction low FPS issues, then we have covered all the possible fixes to cope with frame drops and stuttering issues.

Why Rainbow Six Extraction Low FPS and Stuttering Issues?

There could be multiple causes of Rainbow Six Extraction FPS drops. However, we have searched from multiple platforms and explained some of the common causes below:

  • Your system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to play the game.
  • An outdated or faulty graphics driver
  • An outdated system
  • Using the fullscreen optimization feature
  • In-game graphics settings can cause an issue

Related: How To Fix Rainbow Six Extraction Crashing on Startup PC

Before diving into any fixes must check that your PC spec meets the minimum requirements to play the game.

System RequirementsMinimum RequirementRecommended Requirements
SystemWindows 10 (64-bit)Windows 10 (64-bit)
ProcessorIntel i5-4460 / AMD Ryzem 3 1200Intel i7-4790 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB / AMD RX 560 4GBNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6GB / AMD RX 580 8GB
RAM8 GB (Dual-channel setup)16 GB (Dual-channel setup)
Storage85 GB85 GB

How to Fix Rainbow Six Extraction Low FPS and Stuttering Issues?

You don’t have to try them all, just work your way down the list until you find the one that does the trick.

Fix 1. Disable fullscreen optimization

The foremost and quick fix you can apply to fix the Rainbow Six Extraction FPS drop is to disable fullscreen optimization. Although Fullscreen mode optimizes your gameplay many players reported that it affects the FPS drops even on a good PC.

Following are the steps you can follow to disable fullscreen optimization:

In that case, you continue to deal with the same problem, Don’t worry move to the next fix below.

Fix 2. Update your graphics driver

Most of the time Rainbow Extraction has low FPS and stuttering issues occur on those PC that has outdated or corrupted graphics drivers. To improve gaming performance and fix the stuttering while playing the game you need to update the device driver.

There are two methods to update your system’s cards i.e. Manual and Automatic.

In the manual method, you need to visit the concerned site and search for the latest compatible drivers and download them on your PC. If you don’t have relevant skills then there are chances that you might install the wrong drivers.

So we suggest you adopt an automatic method in which you need to download Driver Easy on your PC. This tool will automatically scan your PC for outdated graphics drivers and update it instantly.

Fix 3. Update your Windows OS

To fix compatibility issues, Microsoft keeps releasing updates for Windows 10 and 11 PCs. Make sure to update your system so to minimize FPS drops and stuttering issues.

Below are the steps you can check windows updates and install if available:

If you have already updated your system and need to upgrade FPS then try the next fix below.

Read: Elden Ring Stuttering On PC [Boost FPS Drops]

Fix 4. Turn on Windows high-performance mode

You need to set your PC on the high-performance mode so that your PC will allow more resources to your game when it’s running.

You can also apply this setting to you GPU, Which ultimately boosts your GPU too.

Change your PC’s power plan

Allow high graphics performance for game

If you apply this fix and your issue persists then try the next fix below.

Fix 5. Lower In-game Graphics Settings

Another simple trick that can fix Rainbow Six Extraction’s low FPS issues on a good PC is to lower the in-game graphics settings.

This fix is useful for those users whose PC doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements to play Rainbow Extraction PC.

Fix 6. Close Unnecessary Apps

Unwanted apps running in the background eat up your system resources causing FPS drops. You need to stop all the unwanted apps from running in the background and try playing the game.

Here’s how you can close Overlay Apps:

If you are using the MSI Afterburner tool to overclock your PC, uninstall it. It might be causing overheating on your PC.

Fix 7. Verify Integrity of Game files:

Some missing or corrupted game files might become a reason for FPS drops. You need to check if there are any missing or corrupted game files.

Here’s how:

If you apply this fix and your issue persists then try the next fix below.

Fix 8. Modify in-game Settings:

If all the above fixes go in vain then try lowering your in-game graphics settings.

You just need to:

This fix will help to boost your FPS and make your game better