Best Settings To Fix One Piece Odyssey Stuttering & FPS Drop on PC – Boost Performance

Apply these settings to boost FPS and performance.

Is One Piece Odyssey stuttering on your PC or while playing FPS drops can’t even get 60? Don’t worry!

Many players are complaining that One Piece Odessy cause stuttering and FPS drop on Windows PC. Players can’t even render a minimum of 60 FPS on their high-end gaming PC.

In this article, we have explained the best solutions to fix One Piece Odyssey stuttering & FPS drop on PC. Using our best PC settings you can improve the game performance.

Tip- Pres the Alt+Tab Key Combo to Switch from fullscreen to windowed Screen.

How To Fix One Piece Odyssey Low FPS Drops, Stuttering, & Lag on PC

Apply the below-mentioned tips if you are also dealing with low framerate and stuttering. These tips may look general but it has helped many players.

Limit FPS at 60: You can set the frame limit by accessing the in-game settings or via Nvidia/AMD control panel. It will help your GPU to render stable frames.

Update Display Driver: Usually it’s an outdated GPU driver issue so make sure to fully update them. We suggest you download Driver Easy which automatically scans and update the game-ready driver without any manual input.

Use Dedicated GPU: If you have integrated and dedicated GPU on your motherboard, it can cause conflict so disable integrated GPU via Device manage.

Edit Power Plan: Set it to higher performance.

Turn off Gaming Settings: Disable Xbox Game Bar and Game Mode

Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs and close useless processes using Task Manager.

Use Defragment and Optimize Drivers App: Its Windows built-in feature uses it to sort out cluttered data on the hard disk.

Change the Value of GameDVR_Enabled: Open Registry Editor and then go to the Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore. Now double-click on GameDVR_Enabled and change the value data to 0.

Change AllowGameDVR Value: Again open the Registry Editor and go to this address Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\ApplicationManagement\AllowGameDVR. Now double-click on the value and set it to 0.

Upgrade to SSD: SSD can also improve gaming performance and solve the low FPS problem

Disable Antivirus software temporarily: This also goes for Windows defender because these apps can also cause hindrance while playing games.

Reinstall One Piece Odessy on your PC

Turn off Dynamic Tick: Enter these commands in your command prompt

bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes
bcdedit /set useplatformclock true
bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Enhanced

Change Nvidia Graphic Control Panel Settings To Improve FPS Drop

The Nvidia user can locate Darktide 40k in Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings to make these changes.

Change AMD Graphic Control Panel Settings To Improve PC Performance

Graphic Settings that can Boost FPS in One Piece Odessy