The “downloading do not turn off target” issue is faced by many Samsung users. It usually occurs when the phone reboots after accessing the recovery by pressing the wrong button to access the recovery mode, you could face this error. This can also occur due to software glitches but this error usually occurs in downloading mode.
The most common causes of Samsung downloading do not turn off target involves inaccurate key combinations to access the recovery mode, software glitch, messing up sensitive files of the device to the extent that it can’t boot up, corrupted internal partition, or corrupted internal partition
If you are looking for an immediate solution to fix Samsung downloading do not turn off the target issue then we have given all the possible fixes that you can apply by yourself easily and quickly.
How To Fix Samsung Downloading Do Not Turn Off Target Issue?
You don’t need to apply them all at once, just try your way one by one and see which fix best suits you.
Fix 1. Exit the download mode
This fix should solve the Samsung S7, S6, S5, and S4 models problems. You can apply this by following the below steps.
- Make sure you’re on the screen with “Downloading… Do not turn off target“
- Press and hold the Power button + Home button + Volume Down button. It’s important to press them at the same time
- Keep them pressed until the screen goes black, then release all buttons
- If your device doesn’t automatically reboot, press the power button yours
Ensure that the downloading does not turn off the target issue still occurs after you exit the download mode.
Fix 2. Perform a Soft Reset
Sometimes the stored data in the phone becomes corrupted and can cause this problem. So you need to restart the phone which will remove corrupt temporary data and also reset the phone connected to the network.
- Press and hold the Power and Volume down key for up to 45 seconds.
- Wait as the device restarts.
Fix 3. Start the Phone in Safe Mode
Applying this fix can only allow the pre-installed app to run in this mode and disallow the newly downloaded app which may cause this issue.
Here’s how you can apply this fix: