How To Clear Cache In Bluestacks on PC and Mac

If Blustacks is stuck on loading or performs slow then should probably clear the cache.

Is your Bluestacks out of space? Do you want to increase storage space in Bluestacks 4 or 5? Luckily, we have explained 2 methods to clear cache in Bluestacks on PC and Mac OS.

When it comes to playing Android games on PC or Mac, BlueStacks is the most popular Android emulator app. It creates a virtual Android phone on your computer, allowing you to play Android-exclusive games and apps.

Just like any other app when you download multiple apps/games using Bluestacks the chance is you will run out of space. So you will need to free up space in Bluestacks 4, 5, 10, and X.

Why it’s Important to Clear the Cache on Bluestacks?

With continuous use app cache takes up storage space and may end up slowing down a particular application’s performance or you might see an error. That’s why you need to clear cache in Bluestacks.

How to Clear the Cache on BlueStacks 5 for Windows

Here you can learn to delete cache on a PC and Mac to free up space in Bluestacks 4/5/X/10.

Method 1. Clear Cache Using Google Play Services

There are two ways to clear your cache in BlueStacks 5. You can clear the entire cache or choose a specific app to clear data.

How to clear game data on BlueStacks
How to free up space in bluestacks 4,5,X

Method 2. Clear Cache Using BlueStacks Cleaner

Open BlueStacks and from its homepage, click the small gear icon in the toolbar on the right.

Run Bluestacks 5 cleaner utility

BlueStacks will shut down and take a few minutes to clean up its own files and free up any space that it doesn’t need.

How to Clear the Cache on BlueStacks 4 for Mac

If you want to clear Bluestacks cache on Mac use the app’s Preferences page.

  1. Open the app and click BlueStacks in the top-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select Preferences, then click User data at the top of the pop-up that opens.
  3. Click the Free up space option and select Continue to confirm your choice.

BlueStacks will shut down to scan and clean up its files. When the app relaunches, it’ll have freed up space that it doesn’t need.

This is how I delete the game cache or data without uninstalling a game.

How do I fix BlueStacks 4 stuck on loading?

Why is BlueStacks so slow on my PC?

If the Blustacks is running slow then you need to allocate more RAM and CPU cores in BlueStacks Settings. Follow these steps:

This will then increase performance.