How To Fix Disney Plus Error Code 137 on Samsung, PC, iPhone, PS, or LG TV?

Try these solutions to fix Disney Plus error.

Most users have reported that they encounter Disney Plus error code 137 while trying to stream their favorite movies or TV shows. Even a user on Reddit reported that he received this error 8 to 10 times while watching a movie.

The possible reason for causing error code 137 in Disney Plus can be your PC or poor internet connection. On the other hand, antivirus software or other programs might interfere with the normal functioning of Disney Plus.

If you are also dealing with this situation then here are tested solutions to resolve Disney Plus error code 137.

How To Fix Disney Plus Error Code 137 on Samsung, PC, iPhone, PS, or LG TV?

Here are some simple troubleshooting workarounds to follow if you want to stream Disney Plus without Error Code 137.

1. Check the Server Status of Disney Plus

Whenever you deal with an error code 137 on Samsung TV using Disney Plus, always check the server status. In most cases, servers are down due to regular maintenance. In that case, you can only wait till the servers are online.

If the servers are up and running and still you are dealing with this error code 137 then try the below fixes.

2. Check Your Internet Connection

The next thing that you need to check is your internet connection speed. Disney Plus requires an active and stable internet connection so make sure you have one.

Try to use a wired connection. If don’t prefer a wired connection then relocate your streaming device near the router. Also, try to turn off internet connectivity from all other devices.

3. Restart Disney Plus and Device

You’ve probably heard the proverb “Turn it off and back on again.” One of the reliable troubleshooting advice you can find is still this one.

This is how you close Disney Plus:

Open Disney Plus again and try watching something after that. Check if the issue is resolved or not.

4. Clear the App Cache

Clearing the cache can also fix this error problem.

On Android phones and TV:

On iPhone or iPad you have to uninstall and reinstall the app for deleting the cache.

On Playstation:

On Xbox:

On Playstation:

5. Reset Samsung Smart Hub

Most users who are facing error code 137 on Disney Plus are using Samsung devices. You must restart the Samsung Smart Hub if you are experiencing issues using the app on a Samsung Smart TV.

6. Uninstall and Reinstall the App

The installation files of Disney Plus could potentially contain severely damaged data. Random flaws and defects in the platform may corrupt these installation files, leading to the occurrence of random error codes.

Remove the app from your smartphone and then reinstall a functioning copy to repair this.

On Android:

On iOS:

On Playstation:

7. Use Open DNS or Google’s DNS

Follow these steps:

8. Disable Antivirus Software

Another solution that works like a charm is to uninstall or disable antivirus software. In most cases, these tools interfere with the smooth operation of the Disney Plus app.

9. Contact Disney Plus Support

You can get in touch with Disney Plus Customer Support if you still experience problems with the program. Your problem may be solved with assistance from the customer support staff.